The Cambridge Centre for Greek Studies and the Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages and Linguistics of the University of Cambridge presents a workshop in memory of Peter Mackridge (1946-2022), Professor Emeritus of the University of Oxford, Emeritus Fellow of St Cross College, Oxford, and long time collaborator.
The workshop takes place live, in the Bowett Room at Queens’ College, University of Cambridge on Friday 21st October 2022 starting at 4pm, and online - or details of how to log in, see below.
4pm: Professor Ianthi Tsimpli (University of Cambridge)
4.10pm: Professor Roderick Beaton (King’s College, London)
Language, identity and the ‘nationalisation of the past’: Peter Mackridge on the making of modern Greece
4.50pm: Tea
5.20pm: Professsor David Holton (University of Cambridge)
Peter Mackridge and the origins of Standard Modern Greek
6pm: Professor Ioanna Sitaridou (University of Cambridge)
Peter Mackridge’s contribution to the study of Pontic Greek
Event Access Details
Topic: A workshop in memory of Peter Mackridge (1946-2022)
Time: Friday, 21st October, 2022 at 4:00pm GMT
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 947 7244 3752
Passcode: 521595
Livestreaming on:
: The Cambridge Centre for Greek Studies Channel
Facebook: CCGS Cambridge | Facebook
Professor Roderick Beaton (Emeritus Professor of Modern Greek and Byzantine history, language and literature at King's College, London, and alumnus of Peterhouse, Cambridge) has written a moving obituary of Professor Mackridge in The Guardian, which you can view here: